Friday, October 29, 2010

I just dove into poverty...

One day I was driving along in my old non-functioning Volvo s80 and it hit me, I am getting a new car. I wrote down how much I make a month and subtracted all the bills I have. I don't have too many because I am technically living with my parents. So, after all my bills were paid I figured I could afford a car payment. (It's been 6 years since I've had one) That's all I could afford though. I had to talk myself into poverty because if I did it I knew all my fun extra spending would be done for. Driving a reliable car that didn't take $50 to fill won me over. Plus I figured since I will always be straddling the poverty line I better not get used to having a little spending money.

My new joy in life is a 2007 Prius. He is black and so so nice! He can stay silent under 5 miles an hour! I love it even though I know Dave Ramsey would be way disappointed in me...

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