Monday, January 23, 2012

Dinner Party Please

You have cordially been invited to a 
Dinner Party
This event will take place at
My Apartment
And will be held on the 
22nd Day of January 
The honorary guest of the evening will be
You, the Readers of this Blog

As you walk in, you will notice the array of food set out on the counter 

For lack of an amazing table like in Brothers & Sitsters.

Each dish is served in a white dish as to contrast with the black table cloth underneath them. 
The menu for this evening will be a honey roasted turkey with roasted vegetables, butternut squash with almonds and vanilla, a green salad topped with strawberries and fresh squoze Arizona lemonade. 

You might be asking where are the mashed potatoes/gravy, rolls and jello. Well, I am a selfish host and I decided not to cook things that I couldn't eat, so we have a detox approved meal ahead of us. 

As you eat of this succulent meal and participate in small talk, I will fill you in on the steps taken in order to make this dinner. 

On a recent sleepless night, I decided that I wanted to make a Turkey. Why, you ask. Well, I have not the slightest idea. I just wanted to. So, I woke up Saturday morning and made my way to the grocery store (even though it was raining cats and dogs, your welcome). Made a few phone calls to my mom for advice, checked out and headed home to dethaw (why do we say de-thaw? Isn't it just thaw?) the thing. 
As the turkey thawed that night (yes, it was 2 o'clock in the morning), I got a chopping. 

Onions, carrots, celery, butternut squash all chopped and put in the fridge. 

I then squoze 4 lemons. I had to do it by hand because I have no juicer. Good thing it was 2 in the morning or I wouldn't have had the patience to squeeze those guys. 

I then took a break and got a little sleep. Once I awoke from my nap (you can't call 4 hours a nights rest...) 

The turkey got ready for the oven 

The vegetables were prepared

The butternut squash was boiled

The salad was made

And the lemonade was mixed up.  

 I then went to church, came home and took the turkey out. I had never carved a turkey so I followed some online instructions.

Thanks to my mom for taking my bagillion calls and walking me through the turkey process.
Thanks to Giulia for bringing detox approved dessert.
Thanks to Dave, Ryan, Erika and Chandler for eating my food and telling me it was good. 


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! I wouldn't have even thought it was detox friendly, had you not mentioned it.

  2. 1) that is awesome. The kind of dinner party I have only ever dreamed of throwing.

    2) white dishes! I bet you wish you hadn't given me all those good ones for my wedding.

    3) we don't say de-thaw. Only you say de-thaw. The rest of us say defrost. But yours is more fun. ; )
